An Experiment in Immersive Storytelling
Part 2 of Giovanni Rosiello's Journal

A photo of a page from an old journal written in Italian.
Giovanni Rosiello's Journal #2

1st, November, anno Domini nostri Iesu Christi 1650

All Saint’s Day! What a day!

13th, November, anno Domini nostri Iesu Christi 1650

The wedding was beautiful! God’s Light was shining upon everyone, most of all the bride and groom! The Holy union between a Man and Woman is perfection itself. How the Lord Blesses us all. 

I was walking my rounds after the wedding and hearing the Lord’s music in my soul. I touched the pipe organ. It’s acting up again. I must contact Mr. Russo for his assistance. I don’t know how to play it, but I know it isn’t supposed to sound like that.

29th, November, anno Domini nostri Iesu Christi 1650

The Day of Our Lord is mere weeks away! The Bishop has given me so many preparations that I will not have much time to write. It will be a blessing to do the Lord’s work as we approach the birth of Christ. The day of my birth is coming as well! Four days after Christmas. I always feel so blessed to have been born so close to a Holy day. I will be turning twenty five years of age. Glory to God for allowing me to walk the path of Light for so many years. God Bless.

This is part of an immersive fiction story titled "Absolution" by J.A. Hernandez. If you're unfamiliar with the story, check out the Table of Contents for more information.