An Experiment in Immersive Storytelling
Chapter 7

Hey, what's up?

An ancestral grudge is about to unleash a terrible curse on me, and I need your help to save my life and humanity. I need to perform a cleansing ritual to break the curse, but the instructions are written in Slovenian, and anyway, I don't know how to perform an occult ritual. I have to do it tonight before the full moon turns me into a werewolf; otherwise, I'm cursed for life.

I can't believe I just said that, and you're going to help with no questions asked.
You could have said you needed help moving a body, and I would have responded the same way. After all, what are friends for? See you soon.

We decided on a place out in nature, just in case the ritual didn't work, and I became a werewolf. The farther away from people, the better.

Evidently, preparing for rituals takes a while. I began to feel jittery and hungry.

Uh-oh. We better get this curse-breaking cleansing ritual going.

I think it worked.
Wait—there's something inside of the wolf effigy.
What is this?