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Ginger Snaps Is Still the Best Werewolf Movie Ever

Sisters, blood, and transformation. Out by sixteen or dead on the scene—but together forever.

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Potato Buttons, Film Sprockets, & Packing

Alright. Serious question time.

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Moving, Cat Approved Spookiness, & More Art-ing

Did you know that Tae and I move a lot?

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Pennsylvania's Green Man, Raymond Robinson, Charlie No-Face

The strange tale of a man whose nightly walks in Pennsylvania became legend.

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Sorry, Grandma

"Let the dead rest," Grandma always said. Should've listened. One bored night with a new AI chatbot, and now I've opened a door I can't close.

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The Dead of Night, Liminal Space Hotel, and Overflowing Art Supplies

I found a new favorite Japanese word: 真夜中. It means "the dead of night."

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Bran Castle and the Truth Behind the Dracula Legend

A castle famous for a vampire, but history tells another tale.

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Art-ing, Busy Octobers, & Revamping Old Newsletters

Not long ago, I started visual art-ing again.

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Nightfall - Audio Horror Radio Series

Terrifying tales swept the Canadian radiowaves in the 1980s.

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Spooky Season, Card Games, and Fake Sick

Spooky season is officially upon us. As always, it never comes fast enough and never lasts long enough.

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Hansel and Gretel by the Brothers Grimm

A classic fairy tale full of candy and questionable life choices.

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Challenges of Getting Started, Cookies, & the World Needs More Halloween Shows

One of the hardest things in any new undertaking is getting started.

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Fernweh, Sinister Stickers, and Art or Content?

I was talking to a German friend recently, and we hit on the topic of traveling and moving.

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Summer Vampires, Channeling Autumn, & a Pocketful of Ghosts

If the sun saps energy from vampires, then I'm in a household of nosferatu.

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Buford the Bassigator of Abita Springs, Louisiana

The legendary beast of Abita Springs, Louisiana.

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Blazing Hot Horror, Plushie Rejuvenation, & Adobe Illustrator

It's been pretty hot here in Texas lately. Going outside feels like getting blasted with steam, so I've mostly stayed indoors.

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Dungeons & Dragons Are The Devil™, Pagan Vegetarians, & Whose Timeline Is It Anyway?

I've been spending an inordinate amount of time on the phone with my local post office due to an aggressive number of mysteriously missing packages.

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Wayland the Smith; Vengeance and Myth

Vengeance and horror, forged by an ancient smith.

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Blue-Eyed Dolls, Nosferatu Photobomb, & Summer Heat

It's getting hot in...well...everywhere, it seems.

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