
Dungeons & Dragons Are The Devil™, Pagan Vegetarians, & Whose Timeline Is It Anyway?

I've been spending an inordinate amount of time on the phone with my local post office due to an aggressive number of mysteriously missing packages.

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Blue-Eyed Dolls, Nosferatu Photobomb, & Summer Heat

It's getting hot in...well...everywhere, it seems.

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Marshmallow Death Clouds & Ongoing Revisions

I was out and about after a string of severe weather here in Texas, and I snapped a photo of some strange clouds.

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Hail, Dark Fairy Tales, & Hidden Influences

Severe storms seem to be everywhere lately.

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Romanian Pronunciation, Fuzzy Texas Caterpillars, & Tiny Liquor Bottles

When researching topics from other languages, I always look up the pronunciation.

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Texas Fog & Endless Advertisements

It's been foggy here in Texas. I mean...really foggy.

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Catching Up, Caterpillars, & Condensing

The tooth pain is entirely gone now, a massive improvement from a few weeks ago.

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Root Canals, Rusty Razorblades, & Revisions

Want to hear a two-word horror story?

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True Crime, Spooky Cemetery, & Some Chapters Are Way Easier Than Others

"Are those three things in the title related?!" I vociferated, interrobangedly.

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Phonographic Visions Launched & Some Chapters Are Way Harder Than Others

I've been working on a new short fiction project and just launched it on YouTube: Phonographic Visions.

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Even Dolls Have Conventions & Short Fiction

I recently learned that there are doll conventions.

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Foggy Nights & Oversized Spoons

We've been having some pretty foggy nights here in North Texas lately.

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Revision Test Results & The Real Unreal

I've been eyeing some revisions for my first novel for a few months, and I decided to test my ideas in the first chapter.

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Novel Querying & Experimentation

Querying a novel makes you look hard at everything, especially your opening pages.

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Cooking Blood for the Holidays & Next Novel Planning

Cooking blood is one of the worst smells.

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Viking Raids & Barbie Really Is Made to Move

Now that the newsletters are at a slower pace, I've had time to catch up on a few things.

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Texas Coyotes & Biweekly Newsletters

There are a couple of coyotes hanging around my part of Texas.

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Dolls & Corporate Dramas

Have I ever mentioned I like dolls?

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Project Planning & Finding My Spirit Anime-ngel

Planning new fiction projects takes a lot of time and a lot of thought.

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Stormy Skies, Cloudflare, & New Projects

Texas has some pretty awesome storms. I don't think I've mentioned that yet.

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Lovecraftian Selfies & Novel Querying

In case you haven't heard, AI is getting pretty good at generating images.

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Happy Halloween, Creepy Cups, & Query Drafts

🎃🎃🎃🎃🔮🍬🍭🍎🥀🧙‍♀️🧙‍♂️🧛‍♀️🧛‍♂️🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️🧞‍♀️🧞‍♂️🧜‍♀️🧜‍♂️🧝‍♀️🧝‍♂️🐺🌕🦉🐍🍂🔥📖🗡️⚰️🕯️💀🖤🎃🎃👻🦇🕸️🕷️🎉🖤🧡 That's pretty much all the emojis I could think of that are Halloween-related. We really need more of them.

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Shotgun Plungers & Query Letters

I don't think it would be shocking to anyone if I said Texas loves guns. But did you know that Texas also loves gun-shaped things?

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Sour Pickles & Glowing Zombie Poop

I grew up in the Southern United States (aka "the South"), but I've been away from it for many years. One of the things I noticed when moving back to the South...

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