Moving, Cat Approved Spookiness, & More Art-ing
Did you know that Tae and I move a lot?
Continue reading →The Dead of Night, Liminal Space Hotel, and Overflowing Art Supplies
I found a new favorite Japanese word: 真夜中. It means "the dead of night."
Continue reading →Art-ing, Busy Octobers, & Revamping Old Newsletters
Not long ago, I started visual art-ing again.
Continue reading →Spooky Season, Card Games, and Fake Sick
Spooky season is officially upon us. As always, it never comes fast enough and never lasts long enough.
Continue reading →Challenges of Getting Started, Cookies, & the World Needs More Halloween Shows
One of the hardest things in any new undertaking is getting started.
Continue reading →Fernweh, Sinister Stickers, and Art or Content?
I was talking to a German friend recently, and we hit on the topic of traveling and moving.
Continue reading →Summer Vampires, Channeling Autumn, & a Pocketful of Ghosts
If the sun saps energy from vampires, then I'm in a household of nosferatu.
Continue reading →Blazing Hot Horror, Plushie Rejuvenation, & Adobe Illustrator
It's been pretty hot here in Texas lately. Going outside feels like getting blasted with steam, so I've mostly stayed indoors.
Continue reading →Dungeons & Dragons Are The Devil™, Pagan Vegetarians, & Whose Timeline Is It Anyway?
I've been spending an inordinate amount of time on the phone with my local post office due to an aggressive number of mysteriously missing packages.
Continue reading →Hurricane Season, Perseverance, & Once in a Lifetime Flowers
Hurricane season has officially begun.
Continue reading →Blue-Eyed Dolls, Nosferatu Photobomb, & Summer Heat
It's getting hot in...well...everywhere, it seems.
Continue reading →Marshmallow Death Clouds & Ongoing Revisions
I was out and about after a string of severe weather here in Texas, and I snapped a photo of some strange clouds.
Continue reading →Hail, Dark Fairy Tales, & Hidden Influences
Severe storms seem to be everywhere lately.
Continue reading →Romanian Pronunciation, Fuzzy Texas Caterpillars, & Tiny Liquor Bottles
When researching topics from other languages, I always look up the pronunciation.
Continue reading →Texas Fog & Endless Advertisements
It's been foggy here in Texas. I mean...really foggy.
Continue reading →Catching Up, Caterpillars, & Condensing
The tooth pain is entirely gone now, a massive improvement from a few weeks ago.
Continue reading →True Crime, Spooky Cemetery, & Some Chapters Are Way Easier Than Others
"Are those three things in the title related?!" I vociferated, interrobangedly.
Continue reading →Phonographic Visions Launched & Some Chapters Are Way Harder Than Others
I've been working on a new short fiction project and just launched it on YouTube: Phonographic Visions.
Continue reading →Even Dolls Have Conventions & Short Fiction
I recently learned that there are doll conventions.
Continue reading →Foggy Nights & Oversized Spoons
We've been having some pretty foggy nights here in North Texas lately.
Continue reading →Revision Test Results & The Real Unreal
I've been eyeing some revisions for my first novel for a few months, and I decided to test my ideas in the first chapter.
Continue reading →Novel Querying & Experimentation
Querying a novel makes you look hard at everything, especially your opening pages.
Continue reading →Cooking Blood for the Holidays & Next Novel Planning
Cooking blood is one of the worst smells.
Continue reading →