Cooking With Vincent Price

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Film capture of Vincent Price in a suit.
Vincent Price.

You've probably heard of him, and even if you haven't, you're in for a real treat. There are more than a few surprising things about him that those familiar with him may not know. Vincent saw the rapid rise of and helped shape the film industry, which he's best known for. He was born in 1911 and left the world in 1993 at the age of 82—which means he lived through World War I and World War II, saw the radio become a household item and the moon landing, and was around for the invention and rise of television, lasers, electric refrigeration, wireless technology, the transistor, the computer, and the Internet. That's just to name a few of the incredible and horrifying, sometimes both, things that happened in his life. His works in the film industry cast a massive shadow on himself for other things he did, though.

"If I could prescribe a single rule for looking at a work of art it would be to enjoy it. If we're honest with ourselves, we have to admit we enjoy our tears just as much as we enjoy our laughter. The only moments of life that are a bore are when we don't care one way or another."

— Vincent Price, I Like What I Know: A Visual Autobiography

Who Was Vincent Price?

His acting career kicked off with theatre in 1935 when he played Prince Albert in a production of Victoria Regina. Vincent appeared in over 100 films from 1938 to 1995. He also worked in television, radio, narration, and even wrote a few books. You may not realize it, but he was the narrator in Michael Jackson's Thriller and the 1949 television special The Christmas Carol. (FYI: Charles Dickens' 1843 story was titled "A Christmas Carol")

A young Vincent Price photo
Vincent Price in 1935.

He made his film debut in 1938 with Service de Luxe—a comedy about the manager of a service agency for the wealthy clashing with (and falling for) an inventor (Vincent Price) trying to fund a new kind of tractor. His first horror film came in 1939 in the Tower of London, where he played a role alongside Boris Karloff.

A young Vincent Price holds a dog and has a somewhat skeptical or perhaps suspicious expression on his face.
Vincent Price as the Duke of Clarence in the 1939 film Tower of London.

Most know Vincent from his horror films, but he had a prolific acting career outside of horror, like his role as Baka in the 1956 film The Ten Commandments.

Screenshot of Vincent Price from the Ten Commandments movie.
Vincent Price as Baka in the 1956 film The Ten Commandments.

He was an art collector, art consultant, philanthropist, and...gourmet cook.

Vincent Price, Gourmet Cook

Vincent loved to cook and even authored several cookbooks during the 1960s and 1970s with his second wife, Mary. These went out of print, but some were resurrected and are now available, like these three:

Cover of Mary and Vincent Price's book titled "A Treasury of Great Recipes." The cover image is Vincent sitting at a bar in a home kitchen. It appears he may be basting something. A woman behind the bar, presumably Mary, is working on preparing another dish.
A Treasury of Great Recipes, 50th Anniversary Edition: Famous Specialties of the World's Foremost Restaurants Adapted for the American Kitchen by Vincent Price (Author), Mary Price (Author), Victoria Price (Preface), Wolfgang Puck (Foreword)

Vincent Price and Wolfgang Puck? Yep. There's even a video of the two cooking together.

Cover of Mary and Vincent Price's Come into the Kitchen Cook Book.
Mary and Vincent Price's Come into the Kitchen Cook Book by Mary Price (Author), Vincent Price (Author), Darra Goldstein (Introduction), Victoria Price (Foreword)
Cover of Vincent Price's cookbook titled "Cooking Price-Wise." Vincent Price is in a classic striped apron and looking at the camera as he holds a spoonful of what appears to be a rice dish he's prepared.
Cooking Price-Wise: A Culinary Legacy by Vincent Price (Author), Victoria Price (Preface), V.B. Price (Foreword)

Vincent hosted his own short-lived cooking program called "Cooking Price-Wise" in 1971 and even made an appearance on "The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson" in 1975, where he taught everyone how to poach fish in a dishwasher.

"...I then skin the boys and take all of the meat from the bone. The easy way is to stab them one at a time with a fork and heat them over a gas flame on the stove until the skin bursts. It then peels right off. Hah. What fun."

​— Vincent Price in "How to Cook a Small Boy"

It wasn't all cannibalism cooking, like in this "Vincent Price's Christmas Leftovers" from 1970 (although...he does mention eating his nephew.) Or this one where Vincent Price talks about how he likes to prepare mushrooms (cannibalism-free). He had an entire series of audio cooking tutorials titled "International Cooking Course" that featured cuisines across the globe. The audio tutorials seem to be out of print, but someone on YouTube uploaded a few of them. If anyone knows where to find these for purchase, please let me know.

The Legacy of Vincent Price

Vincent Price picked up several nicknames through his work in horror films, such as the "Master of Menace" and the "King of Horror." His film work, character, and personality changed the entertainment industry and continue to shape it today. The world tends to focus on only one aspect of the lives of those who find themselves, but we should remember everything they did and loved and the legacy they left behind.

Of course, all this is just a tiny sampler to whet your appetite, so you can hit all these links and get your fill of Vincent Price's love for cooking on your own.

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