Night of the Living Cake Monsters Audiobook Coming Soon

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Night of the Living Cake Monsters Audiobook Coming soon

I've been working hard on the audiobook for this Christmas-themed short story. Everything has come together nicely, and I'm now trying to figure out how and where I want to publish it. I just finished making the cover for it last night, and I'm pleased with how it turned out. One glance at it, and everyone will know it's a retro creature feature.

On the novel WIP—slow and steady for the marathon! It's different than writing the first draft, and there's no measure of progress by word count. But, I have my checklist in hand and am steadily making my way through it.

What's next?

I'm going to get this audiobook published. After all, 'tis the season for cake monsters. 

What's new since last week?

  • The audiobook is finalized! Lily, Mr. Kennedy Cuddlesworth, and the entire story have life breathed into it in a way I never imagined when I wrote it. 
  • Next week, everyone I sent gifts to should have them, and then I can post about it without potentially spoiling anything.