True Crime & Real People

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Did you know that true crime means real people? It seems obvious, but it's easy to lose sight of that fact when you're reading a website or a book or watching a documentary. There's always a distance between you (not involved in a case) and the people documented in true crime (the people who were involved). The next time you read about something involving actual people, take a moment to consider what you're reading about and how it impacted the very real people. It can give you new insight and perspective on the events.

What's New?

  • More chapters down in my novel WIP. Things are moving along quite well!
  • A new Behind the Scenes for Absolution is up at That's a Wrap. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you may want to start here.
  • Next Week: A strange mystery from Norway that remains unsolved over fifty years later.