Phone Cameras, Full Moons, & Finishing the Absolution Retelling

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I took a photo of the full moon with my phone on November 8th, 2022. The cameras sure have come a long way since the potato quality of yesteryear.

Full moon photo taken with a phone camera.
If you squint, you can see the remnants of the astronauts.

What's New?

  • The last installment of Absolution is up at Behind the Scenes: Zarina's Discovery of One Final Secret. It took a lot of work, and I had fun retelling the story. It's odd to have it entirely wrapped up and posted online.
  • I shipped one of those old books I recently acquired to a friend after running it through my new method to get rid of the bad-old book smell. The process held up, and they received it in fine-scented condition. I'll probably post about how to do it in the future.
  • Next Week's Into Horror History: One gate is visible in the day, six more at night, and passing all seven takes you straight to Hell.