Reading Other People's Work

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Reading Other People's Work

I offered to read through someone else's first draft, and I'm about 1/3rd of the way through the story now. It's a unique concept, one I haven't seen before. I think everyone has their own tales to tell, their own distinct perspectives, and their own history blends into their works. Providing feedback is an interesting experience that connects to the update I posted last week: A writer only begins a book. A reader finishes it.

What's New?

  • I wrote a little visual flash fiction to capture the feeling of the last few years.
  • I've split Absolution Act II into two parts. Part 1 of Act II is now online. Continue with Zarina as the story unfolds.
  • Still working on the second draft of the novel. Not much to update there, only that things are steadily progressing.
  • I'm starting to promote my newsletter, just a little bit. If you're a reader of it and enjoy it, leave it a review on InboxReads.